I have tried to become more of a morning person since I have been at camp. I always enjoy mornings so much when I just make myself get out of bed. This morning I got up around 7:45. You might be surprised but I was the first one up in Chief’s house.
Our camp is situated on the side of a mountain. Or more of like a big hill, but a mountain for West Virginia standards. Running up this hill near one side of our camp is what we call power line. We call it that because it is a power line. Underneath this power line is a little hiking trail. It has been on my bucket list to hike up here sometime by myself and have some quality alone time with zero distractions.
Since I was the only one up this morning I decided it would be the ideal time to climb. I packed my journal, two books, my hiking chair, my laptop, and of course my amazing wool blanket.
I acquired this wool blanket from a special guy so that makes it more special. This is a blue blanket with three white lines running through either side. On one side of the blanket marks the manufacture date. 1971. If that right there isn’t a good enough testament to the quality of this blanket than I don’t know what will be. A few qualities of wool are the toughness, the ability to still insulate when wet, fire resistant, and they don’t retain smells like smoke. This makes them the ideal blanket for sitting around a fire or pretty much anything else.
The hike this morning was amazing by the way. I can’t think of a better way I could have spent this morning.
This will be the seventh or eighth Sunday in a row I haven’t spent inside a church building. That doesn’t mean we aren’t having church though. Our church services take place in an outdoor chapel. It is the most peaceful setting you can imagine. A winding path leads over a few streams out to our chapel. Since all the boys are gone and a lot of the staff also, I think we are going to listen to services from our home congregations today.
Life is good over here. It is awesome to be around a bunch of solid guys all united for the same reason. It really is true fulfillment. Have a blest day.